Tuesday-Thursday 11-5 Friday & Saturday 11-6 Sunday 12-4
Judy Blue was established in 1999 with a mission to create and provide denim that could please all denim aficionados. Our unique wash techniques, body-hugging fit and great quality of denim combine to create jeans that are both trendy and comfortable. With a passion for denim, we thrive on creativity with an understanding of the importance of craftsmanship. We're sure you'll feel the love we pour into every pair of Judy Blue Jeans!
$68.00 USD
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This Dark Bootcut is another classic go anywhere jean for us this year-- This style...
$68.00 USD
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Mid Rise Classic Slim Fit 93% Cotton / 6% Polyester / 1% Spandex FINAL FR:...
$68.00 USD
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93% Cotton, 6% Polyester, 1% Spandex HIGH WAIST SHIELD BACK POCKET SLIM FIT93% Cotton /...